This page is designed to help Christians find dance resources, and is sorted into categories for ease of use. Some sites have a link in more than one section, if they provide a variety of resources. I wish to make this page as international as possible, and would welcome new links worldwide. I have now put the “resources for purchase” links on separate pages for each continent.

My main site Dance in Christian Worship by Bona Gerrie

Index of Link Categories

Christian dance fellowships/groups

Creative ministries

Dance ministries

Flag ministries

Israeli/Davidic dance ministries

Resources for purchase - now on separate pages

Tambourine dance ministries

Useful Information

Website Resources and Clipart

Worship music resources


Christian Dance Fellowships and discussion groups


Creative Ministries

Dance Ministries


Flag Ministries

Israeli/Davidic Dance Ministries

Resources to purchase

Tambourine Dance Ministries

Useful Information


Website Resources and Clipart


My domain registrar and hosting company, that I highly recommend on both pricing and customer service. If you would like a web hosting account, signing up via this banner will earn me a referral bonus!

Worship Music Resources